Wednesday, October 10, 2007

welcome to my blog :-)

So basically, the point of this blog is to have a place to share all the wonderful quotes, lyrics, poems, etc, I find in everyday life. The title comes from one of my favorite songs, Small Enough, by Nichole Nordeman. Part of the lyrics are:

All praise and all honor be
To the God of ancient mysteries
Whose every sign and wonder turns the pages of our history
But tonight, my heart is heavy
And I cannot keep from whispering this prayer:
"Are You there?"

And I know You could leave writing on the wall
That's just for me
Or send wisdom while I'm sleeping
Like in Solomon's sweet dreams
But I don't need the strength of Sampson,
or a chariot in the end
Just want to know that you still know
How many hairs are on my head
Oh, great God
Be small enough to hear me now

So I want the point of this blog, as well, to be to point out all the times when God is small enough to be seen and heard and noticed in every little detail in everyday life. Not that He's small, or not powerful, oh no...but just that he can reach us in even the tiniest of ways. :-)

By the way, a link for the full lyrics:

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