Thursday, October 11, 2007

Be thee well! May the Lord Who watches all watch over thee...

May God's heaven be your blanket as you softly sleep...
-The Proposal/The Night Was Alive, Titanic the Musical

So before I go to sleep, things that made me smile and grateful for life today:

My sweet Paul, whom I adore.
My lovely kindred Sara.
My delightful Ellie
My one and only Jules
My beautiful Sarah (she's beautiful inside AND out)
Finding wonderful library books (with my Sara)
Starbucks coffee
talking to people I don't normally talk with
compliments on my articles!
delicious soup in the cafe
my lovely family
my wonderful priest
intellectual discussions with people who feel as I do!
cozy sheets and blankets
comfy jeans
giggling with Paul's friends- who are now my friends too :-)
the love of Christ
loving and being loved :-)

And let this be my prayer- that I may always recognize that whatever sorrow has happened, I am rich in faith, hope, and love. That life is good, God has graces to bestow, and even the smallest things can point to the divine.

"Pray as if everything depends on God, work as if everything depends on you."
-St. Augustine

1 comment:

ElanorMarije said...

That is an amazing song. Don't forget... I still need to let you listen to the whole thing...