Thursday, October 11, 2007

Baby, it's cold outside!

Today was a cozy kind of day, the first truly chilly day in October, and it was most delicious. This morning was rainy, and cold, but it was nice to be cozily ensconced in my history classroom as the rain poured down, knowing all I had to worry about was the slave trade in colonial Brazil (not the most uplifting topic, to be honest). From our classroom as well, we could hear in the distance the strains of a saxophone playing something jazzy- it made my world feel even smaller and cozier.

Lunch was wonderful, too (which is a rare occurrence indeed!). It was more than the food, although the hearty soups and mashed potatoes did contribute to the general feeling of warmth. EVERYONE was there- Ellie, Sara, Paul, Sarah, Amanda, other Sarah, Renae, Catherine- and it was so homey to gather around the table and eat and talk and laugh. Plus- the dining room is officially decorated for Halloween- very snazzy. And what lunch could go wrong that offers caramel apples?

Now, the wind is swirling through the trees and the outdoors, on the way back to my room from the library, seemed positively enchanted. The air tonight smells like...Halloween! Falling leaves, snuggling, apple cider, pumpkin pies, mittens and scarves- yes, one can't help but think of those happy things when walking through a crisp October evening. I just love the autumn!

Now- off to snuggle with my sweetheart, and later enjoy a movie. Life is blissful, indeed.

Friendship is the greatest of worldly goods. Certainly to me it is the chief happiness of life. If I had to give a piece of advice to a young man about a place to live, I think I should say, "sacrifice almost everything to live where you can be near your friends." I know I am very fortunate in that respect.- C.S. Lewis

"My friend approaches, lantern bobbing. Smoke curls above the stove; I call for tea." -
-Cheng Pan-Ch'Iao's A Visitor

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