Sunday, October 14, 2007

Lulla, lulla, lullaby...

Never harm
Nor spell nor charm
Come our lovely lady nigh
So goodnight, with lullaby.
-A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare

Quite a weekend! Things that made me glad to be alive recently...

1)I attended the beautiful wedding of two very dear friends of mine, and it was an honor to witness their vows, and to take part in their happiness. The reception was a blast, as well...nothing like dancing with your friends!
2)Today I was able to go to the library again and get out some pretty sweet books, which always makes me happy.
3) Getting ready for above-mentioned wedding with my sister, Sarah...painting our nails, doing our hair, etc. It was so much fun to primp and enjoy being girly together! (Ok, not biological sister, but close enough. Sometimes, it's just not about blood ties, you know?)
4) Our early-morning (ok, not so early, but early by my standards!) chat, just enjoying being in each other's company.
5) Giggling with Sarah and Jules like a maniac Friday night.
6) Listening to crazy student-teacher stories from Jules.
7) Loving and being loved by my sweetheart, Paul <3
8) Cranking out a paper on philosophy and Harry Potter way before it's due! (Really, it's amazing how Harry Potter can be applied to every subject to make an awesome term paper/project/etc)
9) The fact that when I sign off here, I will have a delicious Kit-Kat to enjoy! What simple bliss!
10) Books books books- I am delighting in my abundance of books! Currently reading:
  • The Miseducation of Women: A spirited assault on the hidden curriculum that works to women's disadvantage by James Tooley (hat-tip to my lovely kindred, Sara!)
  • Prayer:Does it make any Difference? by Philip Yancey (His books are always chockful of great quotes, references, insights, etc.
  • Spin Sisters: How the Women of the Media Sell Unhappiness and Liberalism to the Women of America by Myrna Blyth (read before...but I felt the need to reread it. It's a solid, informative read that has you nodding in agreement with it)

11) Also, I am eagerly awaiting two books in the mail: Memoirs of a Geisha by Arthur Golden, and What our Mothers Didn't Tell Us by Danielle Crittenden.

Off to eat my Kit-Kat, read, and sleep. "and perchance, to dream...."- goodnight!

"Neither let your effort be shortened for fear of failure, nor your confession silenced for fear of shame." ~John Ruskin, "The Stones of Venice"

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