Friday, January 18, 2008

"We can believe what we choose...

but we will be judged on what we choose to believe."
-Cardinal Newman

So, back in the swing of things here at school after Christmas vay-cay (full of family, coffee, good books, and Law & Order), and just finished the first week of the new semester. History classes? All good. Especially 20th Century European History- must read from that class for everyone is Regeneration, by Pat Barker, which deals with World War I soldiers and shell-shock and questions of love and hate and life and trauma. The characters are soooo realistic.

Also reading (or plan on reading):
  1. Toward a Theology of the Body by Mary Timothy Prokes, FSE (cause Christopher West drives me insane but that's no reason to discount the entire teaching)
  2. Beads & Prayers: The Rosary in History and Devotion by John D. Miller
  3. Pilate's Wife: A Novel of the Roman Empire by Antoinette May
And for another list....

Things I love on this Friday in January:
  • snow
  • cozy hoodies
  • Starbucks mild-blend Columbia, taken black.
  • being a history nerd (give me a monacle, SMcCleanie!)
  • intellectual snobbery-----or not, should we phrase it?
  • riveting classes
  • the Food Network. FASCINATING.
  • referring to people by nicknames they will never know ;-)
  • Harry Potter. The end.
  • pretty dresses

Off to read, or perhaps snooze. More later!

“Has any consideration been given to a fund-raiser with more dignity?” asked Linder.
“Dignity?” sniffed the mayor. “You can’t raise cash money with dignity. It’s hard enough to sell history, much less dignity.”
-A Light in the Window by Jan Karon, pg 366